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Eyes on Infection Control – what you need to know

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) “A disease outbreak is the occurrence of disease cases in excess of normal expectancy.  The number of cases varies according to the disease-causing agent, and the size and type of previous and existing exposure to the agent.”[1] Disease outbreaks are usually caused by an infection, transmitted through person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, or from

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Spring is in the air….

Do you smell that?? Spring is in the air. The Earth’s axis is starting to tilt more toward the sun, the days are getting longer and warmer and it’s a season of rebirth. During Spring, much new life is welcomed – including buds bursting, flowers blooming, baby animals being born and all sorts of seeds, dusts, pollens and other organisms.

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Aussie Aussie Aussie – Oi Oi Oi!

Aussie Aussie Aussie – Oi Oi Oi! Sporting and recreation clubs are the back-bone of the Australian community. They are places for people to go to compete and get their fitness kicks, but more importantly to be part of something bigger – to socialise, spend time with family and friends and eat and drink! There are so many positive connotations

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Importance of a cleaning schedule in hospitality

The Importance of having a professional cleaning schedule in a hospitality environment Hospitality can get busy – getting food and drinks prepared and served in an efficient manner often takes priority over keeping things clean all the time. With public holidays and break times few and far between – and also often busier times in hospitality – it can be

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Good food hygiene practices to employ in a commercial kitchen

A commercial kitchen, big or small, is a hive of activity and over the course of just one day can feed hundreds, and sometimes, thousands of people. To prevent the spread of bacteria, which can lead to sickness or even an outbreak of food poisoning, it is very important that the kitchen environment is keep clean, tidy, sanitised and in

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Research laboratories – an important environment that relies on being clean

Nowhere is the old adage ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ more true than in a science and research-based laboratory. As critical as the laboratory and its resources are, the ability to operate and undertake important research-based work in a sterile environment is even more important. A research laboratory must be sterile, in order to be an efficient, effective, safe and

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Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMV)

What are they, what are they used for, and why is it important they are maintained to achieve a clean environment? What is a TMV? A thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) is a mechanism that blends hot water with cold water at a pre-set temperature to ensure that when the water is released from this valve and into the system, that

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About Legionnaires disease

What is Legionnaires disease, how is it spread and who is at risk? Legionnaires’ disease is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria that is found in damp or wet environments. The bacteria are not spread from person to person, but instead through airborne water droplets. It is most commonly contracted by breathing in mist or vapour from water that

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The importance of keeping ice machines clean – the cold hard facts!

The importance of keeping ice machines clean – the cold hard facts! As strange as this may seem, ice is considered food in the food services industry and as such must be made, treated, stored and dispensed with the same consideration to possible food contamination issues. Even though ice is water and cold, ice and ice machines can provide a

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National Food Safety Week 2018 : Food Poisoning – Take it Seriously

This year National Food Safety Week runs from 10 – 17 November. In what is a national initiative organised by the Food and Safety Information Council, the week’s aim is to promote issues and raise awareness of food safety for a number of groups including the consumer, the food services industry, and those in hospitality and other related industries including

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